Posts tagged Global Warming

Our forests are burning throughout three states at this current moment, despite the countless hours, days, weeks that firefighters have been heroically battling the tenacious beast. At this current moment more than 5 million hectares of land has been burnt which is horrific in comparison to the 900 hectares in the Amazon fires. And yet some people still believe that there is no connection between the fires and climate change. Our emissions rates have also skyrocketed as a result of these fires, having burned through two thirds of our yearly allowance in the last few months alone.

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Last week a friend of mine announced, mere moments after I brought her up on putting her soft plastic rubbish in the wrong bin, that she doesn’t care because she doesn’t think global warming is an actual thing. Needless to say, I nearly fell off my chair. Aside from the fact that it made me seriously question our friendship when two people can hold such opposing opinions (well it’s really more than just an opinion for me, as climate change dictates how I live each day and seeps into my daily life decision making). It left me wondering how a great deal of people can be so convinced that climate change isn’t just a fictional narrative that most of humankind is currently conversing.

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